Divine Secret Brama Vidya
Location: Brama Gnana Porsabai Peedam, Salem
Dates: October 17, 18, 19, 20, 2024 – Four Days Of Jeevan Mukthi Dharana Camp
Eligibility: Only students who have received Brama Gnana initiation will be admitted. Newcomers must receive initiation before the date of the camp to participate.
This Brama Vidya education at the Brama Gnana Porsabai Peedam is a significant milestone. Thirty-five years ago, on a full moon day at Sathuragiri Mountain, our revered Sadhguru taught us this cosmic knowledge as light and sound, revealing the divine presence of Shiva that lives within our being. This extraordinary treasure of knowledge from our ancient Tamil Siddhars, known as ‘Jeevan Mukthi Dharana’, is indeed the essence of this education.

Knowledge Taught in this course

Divine secret of the Sugar Cane of the forehade
In this Brama Gnana camp, answers will be provided to many questions.
The enlightened ones call God “The Sugar Cane of the Forehead.” The forehead here refers to the spot where we find the divine secret, sweet like sugar. Wouldn’t you want to know what this sugar cane on our forehead is? It is the divine secret that you can experience in this class.
Scientists say that only 1 percent of our body contains consciousness, which the wise also agree upon. What about the remaining 99 percent? It remains inert. It is because our body is inert that we experience diseases, decay, aging, and eventually death. We need to transform this 1 percent of consciousness in our brain into 100 percent. Afterward, we must transform into a being of light of wisdom. We need to show that the physical body can be converted into a body of light, because God exists in such a state of luminous wisdom. This education will give you a complete understanding, confidently.
Beyond the ascetic practices we can undertake, there are supremely subtle ascetic practices. When performing these, you will see the egoistic impurities that bind your life force dissolve on their own. As these impurities within the head dissipate, the soul and life force will come to recognize themselves. Without any external aid, the soul will brilliantly reveal itself in front of your face. Then, in your head, Paravindu and Paranada will spontaneously generate. Wouldn’t you want to know about this? Your third eye can see this.
We chant “Om” in our practice of Omkara, right? During this sound, the five true meanings will unite within your head. Akaara, Ukaara, Makaara, Vindu, and Nada—these five must converge at one point. Then a silent sound will start resonating in your life force. When silence embraces the life force, a small light appears, and the soul spreads throughout, starting the production of pure sound. This pure sound will purify your life force and, in turn, transform your body into a pure body. Wouldn’t you want to know this? This class will give you such clarity.
The main goal of Saiva Siddhanta is this state of Jeevanmukti, referred to as living liberation. The purpose of Saivism is for the human body to achieve this state of living liberation. Countless people have spoken about Jeevanmukti in various ways and have recorded it. Not mentioning it is like saying there are neither Saivites nor Vaishnavites, such is the powerful nature of the term Jeevanmukti. However, it’s disheartening that no one has truly broken down the divine secret and led people correctly.
Within us, the nectar pot, instead of being in a liquid state, has solidified like a stone. This is known as the Philosopher’s stone in English. You must first learn the technique to transform this stone into fruit—the Elixir of Life. How do we turn the stone into fruit? Learn this in the Brama Gnana camp, come.
As this stone turns into fruit, a type of poison (Visha) will begin to form and grow in one part of our body. What is this poison? Wouldn’t you want to know how to eliminate this poison?