Divine Secret Brama Vidya

Location: Brama Gnana Porsabai Peedam, Salem

Dates: October 17, 18, 19, 20, 2024 – Four Days Of Jeevan Mukthi Dharana Camp

Eligibility: Only students who have received Brama Gnana initiation will be admitted. Newcomers must receive initiation before the date of the camp to participate.

This Brama Vidya education at the Brama Gnana Porsabai Peedam is a significant milestone. Thirty-five years ago, on a full moon day at Sathuragiri Mountain, our revered Sadhguru taught us this cosmic knowledge as light and sound, revealing the divine presence of Shiva that lives within our being. This extraordinary treasure of knowledge from our ancient Tamil Siddhars, known as ‘Jeevan Mukthi Dharana’, is indeed the essence of this education.

Knowledge Taught in this course

  1. What is Jeevan? What is Moksha?
  2. Why can’t we see our own soul or communicate with it?
  3. What is the food for the soul? How do we provide it?
  4. How to nourish the prana and light when plant foods are unavailable?
  5. How to infuse air and light into the soul?
  6. What are the reasons we do not achieve Jeevanmukti?
  7. Why do we need to attain knowledge to reach the state of Moksha?
  8. How to overcome desire and anger?
  9. How to conquer the mind?
  10. What is the method to overcome and eradicate the five afflictions?
  11. How to open the third eye?
  12. How to open the eye of wisdom and the eye of grace?
  13. What are the six ways Siddhars suggest to reach God?
  14. What are the secrets Siddhars reveal to attain Jeevanmukti?
  15. Why do we worship the divine outside and ignore the divine within?
  16. When will our body and soul unite?
  17. When will our soul and the divine unite? What is the secret to this union?
  18. How to attain a pure body?
  1. Can we reach the state of light body as attained by Vallalar?
  2. How to reach the stages of Sariya, Kriya, Yoga, and Gnana as described in Saiva Siddhanta?
  3. What is the relationship between the 36 tattvas and Jeevanmukti?
  4. How to overcome the 36 tattvas as described in Saiva Siddhanta?
  5. What is the secret meaning of Ashtanga Yoga?
  6. What are the ten Kriyas described in Saiva Siddhanta? What is their relation to Jeevanmukti?
  7. How to transform the essence and sound into the supreme essence and supreme sound? What is the gnana way for this?
  8. How to convert Paravindu and Paranada into Apara Vindu and Apara Nada?
  9. With the sixth sense achieved, how do we attain the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th levels of consciousness? What are the methods?
  10. What are the secrets of knowledge described by Sagathalai, Vegakkal, and Pogappunal? How to attain them?
  11. How to conquer the inner faculties, the five senses, and the five sense organs, along with desire and wrath?
  12. Where are the Akaara, Ukaara, Makaara within the head? How to unite them? What are the effects of the internal Akaara, Ukaara, Makaara?

Divine secret of the Sugar Cane of the forehade

In this Brama Gnana camp, answers will be provided to many questions.

The enlightened ones call God “The Sugar Cane of the Forehead.” The forehead here refers to the spot where we find the divine secret, sweet like sugar. Wouldn’t you want to know what this sugar cane on our forehead is? It is the divine secret that you can experience in this class.

Scientists say that only 1 percent of our body contains consciousness, which the wise also agree upon. What about the remaining 99 percent? It remains inert. It is because our body is inert that we experience diseases, decay, aging, and eventually death. We need to transform this 1 percent of consciousness in our brain into 100 percent. Afterward, we must transform into a being of light of wisdom. We need to show that the physical body can be converted into a body of light, because God exists in such a state of luminous wisdom. This education will give you a complete understanding, confidently.

Beyond the ascetic practices we can undertake, there are supremely subtle ascetic practices. When performing these, you will see the egoistic impurities that bind your life force dissolve on their own. As these impurities within the head dissipate, the soul and life force will come to recognize themselves. Without any external aid, the soul will brilliantly reveal itself in front of your face. Then, in your head, Paravindu and Paranada will spontaneously generate. Wouldn’t you want to know about this? Your third eye can see this.

We chant “Om” in our practice of Omkara, right? During this sound, the five true meanings will unite within your head. Akaara, Ukaara, Makaara, Vindu, and Nada—these five must converge at one point. Then a silent sound will start resonating in your life force. When silence embraces the life force, a small light appears, and the soul spreads throughout, starting the production of pure sound. This pure sound will purify your life force and, in turn, transform your body into a pure body. Wouldn’t you want to know this? This class will give you such clarity.

The main goal of Saiva Siddhanta is this state of Jeevanmukti, referred to as living liberation. The purpose of Saivism is for the human body to achieve this state of living liberation. Countless people have spoken about Jeevanmukti in various ways and have recorded it. Not mentioning it is like saying there are neither Saivites nor Vaishnavites, such is the powerful nature of the term Jeevanmukti. However, it’s disheartening that no one has truly broken down the divine secret and led people correctly.

Within us, the nectar pot, instead of being in a liquid state, has solidified like a stone. This is known as the Philosopher’s stone in English. You must first learn the technique to transform this stone into fruit—the Elixir of Life. How do we turn the stone into fruit? Learn this in the Brama Gnana camp, come.

As this stone turns into fruit, a type of poison (Visha) will begin to form and grow in one part of our body. What is this poison? Wouldn’t you want to know how to eliminate this poison?

Four day wisdom camp

In our bodies, substance, consciousness, and bliss are seen as separate entities. Only by uniting these three can we achieve the ultimate truth and perceive God. How do we unify this fragmented state? When will you perceive the God that resides within you? Shouldn’t we learn the ways of wisdom for this?

Where is the true nectar of wisdom? Why do sages and wise men call it the nectar of internal grace? It is said to be stored as a pot of wisdom in the center of the head, and melting this pot allows us to consume the divine nectar – the milk of wisdom. Without drinking this nectar, the state of living liberation is unattainable. How do we consume this nectar? Shouldn’t we discover and understand the ways to do this?

During this four-day wisdom camp, you will first learn who you are. You will discover the secrets of your birth. You will find ways to recognize yourself and see the life and God within you. You will start to travel on the path of divinity by understanding what obstacles exist and removing them. You will learn how to provide the cosmic sustenance that your life force needs around the clock.

So far in your life, you have lost yourself due to blind beliefs without knowing where this spiritual journey is heading. Now, these will be shattered completely, and you will proceed towards achieving the state of living liberation. Don’t you need someone to guide, show life, and reveal God to you? We will be the radiant light on every step you take, allowing you to walk the path of living liberation freely, without any doubt or fear. We will precede you in light, and if you firmly grasp this path of light, the goal of living liberation is not far; you will rejoice in its nearness. Our eyes will be your path from now on.

When you succeed in achieving the state of living liberation, it is certain that you will witness your life force performing an unspeakable dance of bliss in the radiance, and you will experience supreme joy. Born from the womb of a mother, you will now be reborn from the womb of God. God’s womb is the seed of wisdom for living liberation. Those who enter God’s womb do not reincarnate in the universe again. This is the promise of sages, rishis, ascetics, celestial beings, great seers, and enlightened ones.


This wisdom camp will serve as a significant support, a guiding light, a path of truth, and will engage profoundly with your life force, aiding you to achieve the state of ‘Jeevanmukti’ (liberation while living), the path of eternal non-rebirth, and imbibe the nectar of grace to attain the body of enlightened light.

Therefore, we lovingly and earnestly invite all of you with a sincere desire and detachment to learn this rare and sacred art of ‘Jeevanmukti Dharanai’ at this wisdom camp, which aims at achieving the eternal state of ‘Jeevanmukti’.

Students who have received the initiation of wisdom and the students of the Gurukul are the only ones eligible. They are considered new to this wisdom camp. Lifetime students will also be regarded as new students in this camp. Gurukul classes are conducted online, where lifetime students receive some benefits. There are no concessions in this wisdom camp. This will be a high-level class and will operate at the highest standard.

Those who successfully complete this camp will be considered as ‘Jeevanmuktas’. They will be blessed by the sages and our ancient Gurukul teachers, and you will be made into ‘Jeevanmuktas’. According to their directive, we have come forward to conduct this wisdom camp. We will not speak in the class; they will speak. The body is ours; the wisdom speeches and discourses that come out of the body are theirs. We will be in silence; they will be in sound.

Fee: Please Contact For Details (for 4 days)

Meals will be provided three times a day during the four days of the camp. Accommodation is in the Gurukul itself. Students expecting amenities may choose to stay outside at their convenience. All students can stay in the Gurukul for free. No fee will be charged for this.

Up to 25 students can stay and participate in the camp in the Gurukul. If more students attend, the camp will be conducted elsewhere.

Students coming should bring their own pillows and blankets.

We kindly request not to bring children as they might be a significant distraction during the classes and meditation, and they should not cause disturbance to others.