Thirumandiram for Transforming the Body to Golden Radiance

Thirumandiram for Transforming the Body to Golden Radiance
First greetings to our nectar-like Tamil mother. I convey complete respects to all Tamil scholars and human beings, and with the blessings of our Sadguru, I am taking another pearl from the ocean of Thirumandiram nectar for all of you.
Our ancestor lived for three thousand years on this earth, providing us with complete nectar wisdom by composing one verse each year. We must understand the power and strength of each verse if he stayed in Brama Gnana penance for a whole year to write one verse. He shared the wisdom and joy he obtained with us without keeping it to himself. Let’s dive into the next pot of nectar.
When you drink this clear Shiva water,
In one year, it brings light and no blemish,
The mind will calm down the eight,
The body will become golden. (Thirumandiram – 846)
The primordial Tamil Siddhas convey the message of an undying great life to our society. They have provided many methods and tantras for this. Due to the differences in karmic actions among humans, a method or tantra that benefits one may not benefit another. Therefore, the Brama Gnana that we need to attain will definitely be found in any one of the methods or tantras given by the Siddhas and sages. Which tantra will grant success is determined by each person’s Guru. Only a Guru can remove the impact of karmic actions.
Thirumoolar says in this verse that if you drink this clear Shiva water, the body will attain a state of light within a year. It’s a good thing, but shouldn’t we search for where this Shiva water is? The essence of this verse is Shiva water. First, we must identify what Shiva water is. Once identified, we need to learn the method, tantra, and penance to drink this Shiva water. Then we need to perform this penance and tantra continuously for a year. Only then can we drink this Shiva water daily.
Scholars, poets, Saiva Siddhantis, and religious practitioners interpret Shiva water as the urine excreted from the human body. What an absurdity! Will drinking urine for a year make the body luminous? What nonsense! If that were the case, all spiritual seekers should capture and drink urine for a year to become luminous. Did Vallalar ever say that one must drink urine to attain a luminous body? No. Here, Thirumoolar, who speaks of Brama Gnana, is a great Siddha. Along with him, only Kakabhusundi, Manickavasagar, and Avvaiyar have openly explained the tantras to attain the divine. Other great Siddhas have spoken of wisdom in a concealed manner.
Regardless of whether students, youths, or elders read our Tamil wisdom verses, they should go to Gurus who have attained experiential knowledge in Brama Gnana to understand the true meaning, rather than accepting the interpretations written by poets. This will only lead to ignorance.
Coming to the matter, Shiva water is the Ganga water that comes to the earth from the sky. The Ganga water that flows from the crescent moon on Shiva’s head is Shiva water. Ganga water is a sacred, wisdom-filled water that retains its purity for years without spoiling. But don’t raise the absurd question of whether drinking Ganga water for a year will make the body luminous.
Ganga water is the nectar water that flows from the amrita kalasha (nectar pot) due to the cooling effect of the high electromagnetic energies from the nectar pot within our body. Our Tamil society knows well that consuming nectar means no death. That’s why gods and demons churned the milk ocean with Mount Meru as the churning rod and Vasuki, the snake, as the rope to bring out the nectar pot. The gods attained immortality and live eternally because they obtained the nectar.
Where is that nectar pot? It is clearly located at the central point of the pineal gland in the middle of the head. There should be no doubt about this. The place where nectar resides is shaped like a pot and appears frozen like ice. This nectar pot is definitely within everyone. Every person has this nectar pot with Shiva water in it. Each person must drink that Shiva water.
Would you give your nectar that keeps your body immortal to someone else if asked? Definitely not. Then what should you do? You must fetch that nectar pot. Do you murmur that it seems like saying the nectar pot is in the neighboring house? That doubt existed until our Sadguru made us experience the essence of this verse.
Thirumoolar reveals the method and tantra to drink Shiva water in the third line of this verse. “When the mind calms down the eight, Shiva water will melt and flow.” “Eight” refers to the sun’s light path, and you need to learn to inhale the nectar air through the path of the sun’s light, which is the right divine foot. A knowledgeable Sadguru will teach you how to do this. First, find a knowledgeable Sadguru. Everything else will follow.
When the mind calms, the breath called prana will also calm down. When the mind calms, it automatically creates a state of no breathing. The one without a mind is a Gnani. The one with a mind is a human. As long as you remain human, the mind won’t calm, prana won’t calm, and breath won’t stop. When the mind calms, prana calms, and breath stops, a human becomes a great Gnani. This is the Brama Gnana principle of the universe.
The interesting part is that there is no need to work separately to calm the mind, prana, and breath. One method, one tantra is enough for everything. That is the Amrita Gnana penance known as Chudarazhi penance.
What you need to do is inhale the nectar air through the path of “eight” or the path of the right divine foot, and continually strike the nectar pot with the high electromagnetic power of the sun. Eventually, the frozen nectar pot will melt due to the high electromagnetic heat and begin to flow as honey through the throat. This Shiva water, clear like a stream, will appear. Only with Brama Gnana penance can you melt and consume this nectar Shiva water. Other methods and tantras are like stepping stones to achieve Shiva water. This is shared with you through the Brama Gnana experience provided by our Sadguru.
In the Brama Gnana penance, the knowledge works taught by the Sadguru are the ones that churn the milk ocean and fetch the nectar. The Sadguru will show you where the nectar pot is and teach you the tantra to break the pot and melt the nectar.

Now you know where the nectar pot is and the method to melt the pot. What else is there for you to do?
Using the right divine foot as the churning rod, the nectar air as the rope, start churning with the Chalan tantra. The frozen nectar pot will break and melt with the high electromagnetic heat, and the Shiva nectar will drip down as a cool, soothing stream. At this point, the body and soul will unite like intertwining snakes. The joy and bliss of this true realization are not poisonous but an amazing, wonderful feeling that one experiences every second in Brama Gnana penance. If you drink this nectar Shiva water for a year, your body will start to glow like gold. This is what “the body will become golden” means.